Live and Speak
with Nesh
¡Hola! Soy Nesh, your multilingual English and Spanish teacher! My goal is to make languages fun and interesting to learn with the “live and speak” method. This means LIVING in the language to be able to speak it with confidence! 😊

The Live and Speak English Challenge: Curso híbrido
PRÓXIMA EDICIÓN: Haz clic aquí para saberlo
APLICA EL INGLÉS EN TU VIDA DIARIA PARA LOGRAR CONFIANZA Y FLUIDEZ con retos diarios y actividades interactivas y feedback continuo durante 5 semanas.
¿Qué incluye en el precio?
- 5 semanas de clases en directo online
- 18 vídeos pre-grabados que puedes ver cuando quieras
- Acceso a contenido creado por mi adaptado a tu nivel y tus intereses
- Grupos reducidos (6-8 personas) para máxima atención y precisión
- Soporte 24/7 para cualquier duda
- Retos diarios para no perder la constancia
About Me

My students call me Nesh or profe, maestra and even seño! I am a certified English teacher from Ireland and Philippines with more than 5 years experience in making languages a fun and interesting skill to learn rather than just an “obligation” that most people hate learning! I’ve been studying languages since I was younger and I now speak five of them! (#Polyglot!) So, I know exactly what the struggles are of being language learner. I use this knowledge and along with my extensive training as a language teacher to bring out the best potential in each of my students!
Words from my lovely students 😍

July 2021